I don't know what the deal is but for some reason the colors never look as good on blogger as it does on my computer. Kinda bugs. Stupid blogger. But trust me, it's awesome. If anyone has any suggestions to stop this from happening, I'd be happy to take them. Other than that, thoughts?
Okay, I obviously didn't take this one. It's totally credited to Marion. But it's one of the few pics of me that I've ever liked. Could be that you can't see my face, but I'm still unsure. Either way, Marion did a great job with the composition. You're awesome, MJ.
Wrinkles? What wrinkles? I would never commit PS fraud and remove the crows feet and wrinkles that give us character. That's so wrong. I think we took at least a dozen pics almost exactly like this around different areas of the park trying to get trees or tulips behind us. I guess we could have handed the camera to someone else and asked them to take it, but what's the fun in that?
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